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Chakra and Aura Healing


Chakra Healing

Everything around and within us is energy and there are 7 known energy centres in our body, called CHAKRAS. Each Chakra has a significance in our overall wellness and their blockage is the cause of hindrance in our life. Energy must flow smoothly, unhindered through each of these chakras to give us a wholesome, joyful life.

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are our energy centres and the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. There are seven of them found in the body are:

1.  Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is represented through our primal existence and survival instincts. When balanced, the first chakra leads to a feeling of being grounded and steady.

2. Sacral Chakra, located just below the navel is represented through sexual energy, creativity, and sincerity. When balanced, the second chakra results in accepting new experiences and feeling connections with others.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra, is located in your stomach area, is represented through purpose, source of personal power, influences our balance of intellect and determination. When balanced, the third chakra results in feeling confident and in control of your life.

4. Heart Chakra, located near your heart, in the centre of your chest, is represented through the ability to show compassion and love. When balanced, the fourth chakra opens your heart to feel love, compassion, joy and connection to the world around you.

5. Throat Chakra, located in the throat, the fifth chakra is represented through communication and expression. When balanced, communication improves.

6. Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows, is represented through intuition and awareness. When balanced, the sixth chakra supports our ability to focus on and see the big picture.

7. Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is represented by our ability to be fully connected spirituality, and a connection to the world and the universe. When balanced, the seventh chakra supports your spirituality in a healthy way, allows you to access a higher state of consciousness.

This is a process of clearing blockages and bringing the chakras to flow at a healthy rate. The health of your chakras and energy field determine how you’d feel and experience your life’s situations. This work allows us to tend to our consciousness and learn the lessons that we are here to learn before they manifest in the form of illness or loss. Once you’re aware of your chakras and how they work together, you can begin to recognize blockages more easily. Working with and energy healer in the beginning can help you become aware of these frequencies and teach you how to align your own chakras.

Balanced chakras allow for physical and emotional well-being that are tied to blockages of each chakra.


An Aura is an energy field that surrounds an individual or object. This field comprises energies of varying densities that permeate through the body in an oval-shaped field.

The aura contains different layers that overlap and effect each other. These layers vary depending on the persons health, experiences, thoughts and emotions.

What can Go Wrong with an Aura?

​People generally accumulate unwanted energies in their lifestyle and having regular aura cleansing supports health and well-being. Its more similar to personal hygiene. If you don’t wash or bathe, your body will gradually become dirtier and smellier. Eventually leading to a breathing ground for disease and bacteria.

An uncleansed Aura also becomes dirtier and the person may become unpleasant for others to be around. Their energy systems will attract lower vibrations which are unhealthy. It’s common to take on some of the energy from other people. An example, if you’ve been in a great mood and then spent time with someone negative, your good mood may evaporate because you’ve taken on some of the energy of the negative person.

Aura Healing

​The purpose if Aura healing is to remove impurities and unhealthy energies. Tools and techniques are used to get an understanding of your state of wellbeing is the first stage. This means examining the aura’s layers or assessing the chakras as much as possible.

​During the treatment I may use with your permission Tibetan Sound bowl, Tuning Forks or Crystals.


Block bookings of 3 sessions or more sessions I offer a 10% discount

Private sessions at your home:

Depending on your location, starting price £250 for 90 mins.

Please ask for more information

Chakra and Aura Healing

1 hour


The Soul Abundance Special Package

2 hours


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