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About Me

My Story


My name is Renu. I am healer and a life coach. I have trained and certified in numerous modalities throughout the years of my journey.

Below are some of the techniques I’ve learnt in my approach to healing

  • Theta Healing®

  • Access Bars®

  • Reiki Master

  • Himalayan Sound Bowls healing

  • Chakra and Aura Healing

  • Life Coach

I like to have flexible approach when working with my clients. Based on the client’s assessment I often combine different treatments in a uniquely integrated format to help elevate the clients capacity for wholeness to lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Here’s a little bit of background about me and my journey towards my spiritual awakening.

I’m a kind hearted soul, people confide in me very easily due to my trustworthy nature and I’ve always made myself available to helping people who need me most, regardless of our relationship. If I see someone in need, I’ll help them to the best of my ability to overcome their challenges in life.

Growing up I was the kind of child who couldn’t always fit in with society.

The conditioning I was brought up with, made it difficult to understand my place in life and I struggled to make sense of my purpose or what I was born to achieve.

Throughout my teenage years my struggle to identify the true me grew evermore stronger.

Amongst friends and family, I always found myself thinking why am I so different to others? Why is my thought process so radically different? Why do I find it difficult to communicate with people about everyday normal things?

My journey to understand myself began in my twenties. Initially I was searching for happiness in others in order to be fulfilled and not empty. Instead of taking the time to grasp a firm personal perception of myself, I chose to have the normal married life. I currently have two wonderful children who are now young adults and have provided with much more joy and happiness than I could have ever imagined. I suited the married life for a while, played my role as the dutiful wife, mother and daughter-in-law. With this in mind however, I eventually looked deeper within myself and realised that I was not satisfied in my own skin. I’d hit a brick wall, that was slowly closing in on me, believed I was stuck. 

There were a lot of challenges that contributed to the above. Things were not made easy for us despite having so much initial success as a family. We faced incredible challenges of financial stress, relationships and lost friends through the way. We moved from UK to Dubai to start a new life, however it was short lived due to recession.

This resulted in us having to move back to the UK and within the blink of an eye, we lost everything. It was at this point I just gave up with everything, continuously focused on the issue at hand, wondering why God had this plan in store for us? What had we done to deserve this damnation and be pushed aside.

During this awful period I began to target a solution and to read a lot of self-help books, I studied online, watched probably everything YouTube has to offer on self-help and started questioning what is my purpose and but the answers were still escaping me! At this point I thought I’d try something different, I came across a Vipassana retreat and attended the 10 day course.

This changed everything. I began practicing vipassana for next few years and I started to believe in myself more and there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but was short lived, As my husband was diagnosed with Heart condition and required open heart surgery. This was again another setback in life, but I was trying to stay positive.

Vipassana meditation helped me considerably, but I felt that there was still something missing and not being fulfilled. Eventually through a friend I came across plant medicine and I can now say that this changed my life for good and I realised with greater conviction what my purpose is. It was at this time I figured out that my fulfilment comes from healing and helping people who need it most.

My journey took some time, but along the way I have learnt many lessons, faced considerable challenges and has given me the life experience to help others. I also came to realisation that if we don’t heal ourselves with the issues that we have it can manifest into some greater illness that the body will develop. Our pain and suffering can be healed and can be transformed to elevate individual from moving forward and stepping into your greatness.

Please get in contact if you’d like to impact your life in a more positive way!

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